I am writing this from a very posh, very plush king-sized bed in a luxury hotel in downtown Montreal, while drinking a third cup of room-service coffee, gazing at a vase of my favourite flowers.
A few months ago, I assigned Dr. T the task of making my 40th birthday a major event, and I recruited Aurora to ‘assist’ him in the task, mainly to ensure that (a) someone who knew what I meant by ‘major’ was involved and (b) specifically, someone who understood that ‘major’ does not mean ‘pinball machine’ was involved.
Well, I could not have chosen better party planners.
Last night, we started with an Ethiopian feast with a group of my nearest and dearest, where we enjoyed great food and I was lavished with prezzies; the meal was topped off with two beautiful and scrumptious cakes – one peaches and cream, and the second spicy chocolate. Then we walked over to the Hotel de la Montagne, where we found my family and more wonderful friends waiting (with yet more prezzies). We drank and chatted and danced, and at 10 o’clock we made our way to the rooftop terrace to watch the fireworks (technically coincidental, but a nice touch, nonetheless). The party went on til we closed the bar, after which Dr. T brought me upstairs to our room (!), furnished with my baby laptop, our wave radio, my clothes for the morning after, and a vase of calla lilies. And the leftover spicy chocolate cake.
I don’t know what I did, in this life or any previous ones, to deserve such fantastic people in my life.
Highlights of the evening:
– Partying with Kuan Yin and Alison, both of whom travelled great distances to share the evening with me (not to mention sharing a lot of wine with me the night before).
– Laughing at my dad, who was essentially mugged by each of my girlfriends in turn when he told them “no kissing” – probably knowing full well that would be taken as a challenge…
– Trying to keep up with my mum, about whom several of my men friends asked questions such as “really? That’s your mother?” and “so, if I were to talk to her, are there any special interests or hobbies I should mention?”
– Hanging out and dancing with my sister, who stayed to help me close the bar and did her best to make sure that I had enough to drink.
– Seeing my Vanier crew, who turned out in great numbers – I don’t have a job, I have an extended family.
– Posing for Irene, the self-appointed event photographer!
– Turning around every five minutes to see yet another familiar, happy face… just when I was thinking everyone had arrived, someone else would turn up.
– Hitting the dance floor, where a twenty-something girl eyed me up and down and said “Oh thank God – another young person!”
In short, I had a wonderful time, and will spend much of the next forty years trying to express my thanks to the A-team (i.e., Aurora and Andrew).
It’s not you, it’s me
Every time I sit down and dash off another blog entry, I say to myself “this time it will be different. I will post again. Soon. Like tomorrow.” Then what happens?
Apparently I black out for about a month.
Well, no, of course not. Life, as always, happens, and at the most inopportune moments. Let’s take a look at this week, for instance:
Sunday: spent the afternoon at Laronde with all my boys.
Monday: did a few hours of work on the Cegep a distance project, punctuated wonderfully by lunch with Aurora, and spent some time revising my course package for next fall’s Liberal Arts course.
Tuesday morning: biked to NDG to help Dina move – between the two of us, we moved her queen-size bed & boxspring, not to mention three dressers, two tables, a recliner and, if I remember correctly, a grand piano. Might have been a panda. Something black and white.
Tuesday evening: ate v.g.* Chinese food with Aurora, followed by the Vanier grad – as the Liberal Arts rep, I was part of the platform party, which involves sitting under hot stage lights for a gazillion hours while several people talk about school pride and achievements, standing up to hand DECs to the three Liberal Arts graduates who attended the ceremony, and sitting down again. On stage. Which means hundreds of people will see if you yawn, scratch, slouch, etc.
Wednesday: yet more Cegep a distance stuff, then popped into Vanier to drop off the revised course pack and take care of a few other odds and ends, then had lunch with Aurora (is there a pattern here?), then dashed home to tidy for incoming visitors, then drove off to the boys’ school to collect them, since Colin was away at camp (!) and got back to the school long after the buses left. Got them home, shoved Colin into a much-needed shower, made supper and did another round of tidying in time for the aforementioned visitors.
Thursday: leaped out of bed stupid early and rush off to the plane station to collect Alison and my godson, who are in town to help me celebrate the big day, had breakfast with same + Cam & Paula & Alex, dropped Alison off at her brother’s place, rushed home, put another five hours into the Cegep a distance project, then grabbed my kids and headed off to the school BBQ. Lovely, rainy, damp weather… but excellent turnout, nonetheless, so all’s well, etc.
It’s only Thursday?
Anyway, none of this is really all that time-consuming, but then there’s Facebook and Google chat, not to mention eBay, where I am relisting my Nikon camera for the third time because the guy who “bought” it last week has lost his job and therefore his desire for a camera.
So once again, I am reduced to posting a lengthy post about why I don’t post very often anymore… but this time it will be different. I will post again. Soon. Like tomorrow.
*all the Cegep a distance stuff this week has been analysis of Bridget Jones’ Diary. Find self frequently abbreviating, not to mention v. worried about calories consumed. Am texting like 14-yr-old girl.