So we’re nearing the end of the semester, which means piles of correcting, as always. This semester I feel like I’m actually on top of things, which is a good feeling, let me tell you.
Of course, when you’re on top of things, you have to be careful to stay balanced, lest you tumble off and get smothered…
As always, one of the minor joys of all this correcting is the inadvertent laughs provided by typos and other unintentional errors. For instance, I’m reading an essay now, written by one of my Intro students on Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral.’ The student states that the lesson of the story is “don’t be sterotypical or jugdemental.”
Jug-de-mental… hee!
I have to ask….What kind of spell check program that kid is using, sheesh!
Ask Dr.T sometime about the “copulation of pavilions”.
He claims he has no idea what you’re talking about… as you know, he has no memory to speak of.
I’m guessing Spoonerism?
Exactly. And, yes, he’s had no recollection of the story the last three times I’ve brought it up.