When it comes to hockey, I’m a fair-weather fan; furthermore, since Dr. T is not into blood sports, we tend not to watch. Last night, though, he was away for his usual Wednesday evening of Scrabble, and I was hosting my usual Wednesday card night, the participants in which are true hockey fans. So I tuned in to CBC just in time for the pre-game chatter, and am delighted to present the award for best out-of-context line to the following gem:
He’s got really soft hands, a great imagination, and a bit of a mean streak. He’s hard to handle.
My kind of guy.
Turns out the commentator was talking about some hockey player, but whatever. Regardless, however tempted I may have been to watch the rest of the series as a result of that line, I have decided I cannot watch the cup go to the Mouseketeers. I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed that someday soon, nos glorieux will rise again.
Life is short, and this atrcile saved valuable time on this Earth.
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