I’m baaaaaack

Ok, temporary but nasty technical difficulties, all stemming from a hard drive gone soft. Good thing I have my own personal IT guy.
Needless to say (why, oh why does this phrase exist??), from now I’m backing things up! Dr. T was able to perform small miracles blog-wise; at this time, there are still a few minor glitches to work out, but we’re good to go.
Archives? Check.
Categories? Check.
Comments? Check.
Image and Doc files? Check.
Witty yet succinct remark to sum up the entire experience?
Not at this time. Please do not adjust your monitor.

4 Replies to “I’m baaaaaack”

  1. You probably meant that phrase tongue-in-cheek, so I’m sure you have seen Fowler make fun of it in his famous book on grammar and usage. You used a Hamlet quote–One example Fowler (in addition to Churchill) uses to make fun of those that insist on bringing Latin rules into English is from Hamlet: “…such bitter business as the day would quake to look on.”

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