More tweaking…
I discovered that certain fonts were displayed in weirdly different sizes, and my beautiful mellow yellow was screamingly fluorescent, depending on which PC was used to view the blog.
I think I’ve fixed the problems, at least for those using IE. I’d appreciate notes from other browser users – do you see the flowers, does the colour look nice and unfluorescent, and do the fonts seem essentially uniform? I may try experimenting with browser-friendly code, if necessary.
Oh, and praise whatever higher being seems appropriate for MT user support forums!
I use Mozilla Firebird (because I generally find it superior to Explorer) and only today I saw the flowers you had previously referenced. I began to think the flowers you were using were poppies…
My only complaint is when there is text over a flower it becomes difficult to read. Can you fade the flowers into a paler version of your wallpaper?
Duly noted – I wondered about the text-over-flowers issue myself, and now I know. I’ll get right on that!